I've been reading many of your blogs and your accomplishments in 2009 blow me away! I'm not going to even try keeping up...I will try to accomplish more sewing than I did last year and I will be better about reporting on what I'm doing. I will try to get to the gym regularly and run 150 miles and more this year! I will read something that feeds my soul every day. These are my resolutions, notice I didn't say anything about eating less...that's just not going to happen when there are still cookies and treats in the house!
With all that said I have been in the sewing room today. I really wanted to make this little jacket in the fall and found a poly fabric that looks a little like a felted wool. I'll do a review tomorrow when it is finished, but to prove that I sewed today I will show you a few pics.
One of the things I took issue with was the finishing of the lower front edges. I think you can see the layers of fabric that would be at the center front right on top of my biggest part. Why would anyone want 8 layers of coating fabric on their stomach!
You can see I mitered these front edges which makes a nicer finish than folding and folding and tacking the seam down with hand stitches.
This Jacket took 10-15 minutes to cut out, 40 minutes construction on the serger, and 15 minutes basting the bands in place. Tomorrow I will do the top stitching, button hole, and final press. I'm not sure how I feel about the raw edges, (yes the bands and facings are applied with a raw edge technique) not sure how durable this poly version of wool will be. In anycase it hasn't been a huge time investment, or cash investment for that matter.
'Night all, and by the way there are 149 miles left to go as I did 1 mile on the treadmill. Did 5 miles on the excercise bike too but I'm not counting those.
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